
Reiki Classes

The class offers a comprehensive approach to learning Reiki, combining elements of lecture, engaging discussions, and hands-on experiences. Through a blend of theory and practical application, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding and proficiency in Reiki.

During the class, you will engage in practice sessions that encompass various aspects of Reiki. This includes giving and receiving complete Reiki treatments, exploring all the hand positions, and experiencing the transformative effects of self-treatment. You will also delve into the use of symbols, including distant healing techniques, and learn and practice the authentic Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.

While practice is an integral part of the class, it is important to acknowledge that further dedication and commitment are essential for your growth as a Reiki practitioner. It is strongly encouraged that you allocate additional time outside of class to practice Reiki regularly. By setting aside one evening a week for several weeks, or finding an equivalent schedule, you can engage in focused practice sessions. These sessions can involve practicing Reiki with your fellow classmates or extending your healing energy to family members or friends. The commitment to this ongoing practice is crucial for gaining the necessary experience and building confidence in fully utilizing your Reiki training.

By dedicating time to practice beyond the classroom, you will deepen your connection to Reiki's healing energies and refine your skills as a practitioner. This additional practice serves as a bridge between learning and mastery, allowing you to embody Reiki's principles and techniques fully.

Embrace the transformative power of Reiki by enrolling in our class today. Discover the profound teachings and techniques that will empower you to become a skilled Reiki practitioner. Commit to your growth by dedicating regular practice time beyond the class, allowing you to gain the experience and confidence necessary for utilizing Reiki to its fullest potential. Enroll now and embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and profound transformation.



How Can I Help You?

I am here to provide you with personalized care and support on your healing journey. If you have any questions, would like to schedule a session, or want to learn more about the holistic healing services I offer, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am readily available to assist you and provide the information you need.